Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Welcome to The Mommy Market

I am so excited to start this journey! My decision to start this blog was based on all the questions that are asked on Facebook. Many of my friends and acquaintances on Facebook are mothers and wives. Many of my friends on my friends list do not know each other. So, they don't get to see what an outsiders opinion may be!

I like to share advise on things I have done. Whether it was a good or bad outcome, I still share. Many of us can learn from others trial and errors, Especially as a mother! Somethings work and somethings don't. What might work for one may not work for all, but it certainly can help to guide someone who may have no idea what to do.

I want this blog to be an open platform for all types of question pertaining to Mommyhood!

So, check out the pages and the blog posts as they will be changing weekly.

I hope you enjoy reading and sharing!
